Man on Wire is a 2008 documentary film directed by James Marsh. The film chronicles Philippe Petit's 1974 high-wire walk between the Twin Towers of New York's World Trade Center. It is based on Petit's 2002 book, To Reach the Clouds, released in paperback with the title Man on Wire. The title of the film is taken from the police report that led to the arrest (and later release) of Petit, whose performance lasted for almost an hour. The film is crafted like a heist film, presenting rare footage of the preparations for the event and still photographs of the walk, alongside re-enactments (with Paul McGill as the young Petit) and present-day interviews with the participants, including Barry Greenhouse, an insurance executive who served as the inside man.
MPAA Rating: | PG-13 |
Genre: | Crime, Documentary, Sports, Biography, History |
Country: | United Kingdom, United States |
Produced By: | Richard Klein, Liz Fay, Jonathan Hewes, Maureen A. Ryan, Andrea Meditch, Simon Chinn, Nick Fraser, Victoria Gregory |
Directed By: | James Marsh |
Written By: | Philippe Petit |
Cast: | Paul McGill, Mark Lewis, Alan Welner, Aaron Haskell, David Roland Frank, Robert Sciglimpaglia, David Forman, Annie Allix, Laurence Gates, Joel Ney, Philippe Petit, Guy F. Tozzoli, Shawn Dempewolff-Barrett, Megan Delay, Jean François Heckel, Ardis Campbell, David Demato, Jim Moore, Bruce Kocher, Jean-Louis Blondeau, Barry Greenhouse |
In Theaters: | Aug 29, 2008 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 34 minutes |
Production: | Discovery Films, BBC Storyville, UK Film Council, Wall to Wall, Red Box Films |
Box Office: | $2,962,242 |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes, Netflix, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |