Katak: The Brave Beluga (French: Katak, le brave béluga) is a Canadian animated film, directed by Christine Dallaire-Dupont and Nicola Lemay and released in 2023. The film centres on Katak, a young beluga living in the Saguenay Fjord who has a reputation as a late bloomer as he is still grey and has not turned white like most belugas his age; eager to prove his maturity and courage, he embarks on a quest to find his grandfather in the northern sea.
MPAA Rating: | PG |
Genre: | Animation, Adventure, Comedy |
Country: | Canada |
Directed By: | Christine Dallaire-Dupont, Nicola Lemay |
Written By: | Andrée Lambert |
Cast: | Nancy Bernier, Guylaine Tremblay, Yves Jacques, Marie-Thérèse Fortin, Alex Braunstein, Renaud Lacelle-Bourdon, Ludivine Reding, Johanne Léveillé, Carolanne Foucher, Jérémie Desbiens, Jacques Leblanc, Martin Drainville, Benoît Brière, Jeff Boudreault, Mario Saint-Amand, Maxime Le Flaguais |
In Theaters: | Nov 28, 2023 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 22 minutes |
Production: | 10e Ave |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |