Damned River

Damned River is a 1989 American action film directed by Michael Schroeder and co-written by John Crowther and Bayard Johnson. The film stars Stephen Shellen, Lisa Aliff, John Terlesky, Marc Poppel, Bradford Bancroft and Louis van Niekerk.

MPAA Rating:R
Genre:Action, Adventure
Country:United States
Produced By:Lance Hool, Larry Sugar, Elena Azuola, Conrad Hool, Edgar Bold
Directed By:Michael Schroeder
Written By:John Crowther, Bayard Johnson
Cast:Leslie Mongezi, Mtcheso Ncube, Tetrex Tshuma, Joe Siabe, Maita Sibanda, Todd Brownell, Boniface Chivuvenga, Tony Benge Johnson, Lisa Aliff, Marc Poppel, John Terlesky, Bradford Bancroft, Stephen Shellen, Louis Van Niekerk, Moses Ncube
In Theaters:Oct 13, 1989
Runtime:1 hour 35 minutes
Production:Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Silver Lion Films
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