Building a strong narrative clearly took a backseat to inventing fun ways to take advantage of the hero’s rare medical condition.
Jack Black's gotta get used to a whole different type of band here.
Billy Crystal talks smooching Jack Nicholson at a Lakers game after the two ended up on the Kiss Cam.
Jack Black told the story of how he was thrown off a water buffalo during the making of Tropic Thunder, and it has a heartwarming conclusion.
Could Johnny Depp return as Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean?
The two stars of the upcoming Minecraft movie hilariously celebrated the popular game's birthday!
Viral has a pic of high school sweethearts Scarlett Johansson and Jack Antonoff has created a mind-boggling connection a fan is pointing out.
Jack Black is ensconced in the world of video game movies, and he has some ideas about future adaptations.
Jack Black went viral on TikTok when he revealed that The Holiday's Kate Winslet was his favorite co-star, and the comments agreed.