Small Engine Repair is an upcoming film written and directed by John Pollono based on Pollono's play of the same name. The adaptation was penned and directed by Pollono and produced by Peter Abrams, Jon Bernthal, Rick Rosenthal, and Noah Rothman. Pollono and Bernthal reprise their roles from the original production and Shea Whigham and Spencer House portray Packie and Chad, respectively. Michael Redfield and Josh Helman, who both starred in the original production, are in the film as new characters. Additionally, Jennifer Pollono, the original costume designer, and Sophie Pollono, her daughter with John Pollono, also have roles in the film.
MPAA Rating: | R |
Genre: | Comedy, Drama, Thriller |
Country: | United States |
Directed By: | John Pollono |
Written By: | John Pollono |
Cast: | Ashlie Atkinson, Ozzie Stewart, Jenna Lamia, John Pollono, Spencer House, Ciara Bravo, Jon Bernthal, Josh Helman, Ren Harlow, Sophie Pollono, John Rothman, Jordana Spiro, Joshua Bitton, Zachary Hernandez, Jay Bulger, Shea Whigham, Hunter Jones, Shannon Esper |
In Theaters: | Sep 10, 2021 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 43 minutes |
Production: | Canopy Media Partners, Story Factory SER, Tapestry Films, Whitewater Films |
Box Office: | $110,995 |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |