At the height of the First World War during Spring 1917 in northern France, two young British soldiers, Schofield (George MacKay) and Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman), are given a seemingly impossible mission to deliver a message which will warn of an ambush during one of the skirmishes soon after the German retreat to the Hindenburg Line during Operation Alberich. The two recruits race against time, crossing enemy territory to deliver the warning and keep a British battalion of 1,600 men, which includes Blake's own brother, from walking into a deadly trap. The pair must give their all to accomplish their mission by surviving the war to end all wars.

MPAA Rating:R
Genre:Drama, War
Country:United Kingdom, United States
Directed By:Sam Mendes
Written By:Sam Mendes, Krysty Wilson-Cairns
Cast:Adrian Scarborough, Colin Firth, Nabhaan Rizwan, Daniel Mays, Richard Madden, Dean-Charles Chapman, Taddeo Kufus, Mark Strong, Andrew Scott, Benedict Cumberbatch, Claire Duburcq, Chris Walley, Tommy French, Jamie Parker, George MacKay
In Theaters:Dec 25, 2019
Runtime:1 hour 59 minutes
Production:Amblin Partners, Neal Street Productions, DreamWorks, New Republic Pictures
Box Office:$159,227,644
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Netflix, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia