Born To Race is the story of Danny Krueger (Joseph Cross), a rebellious young street racer on a collision course with trouble. After an accident at an illegal street race, he is sent to a small town to live with his estranged father (John Pyper-Ferguson), a washed up NASCAR racer. Attending high school, Danny meets Jessica (Nicole Badaan). She invites him to a party. Attempting to integrate, Danny accepts the invitation. At the party Danny runs into the local hot shot Jake Kendall (Brando Eaton). The two characters clash. Jake rules the neighborhood fiercely, and Danny will have to live up to those standards in order to become accepted, which means that he shall have to race again.
MPAA Rating: | PG-13 |
Genre: | Action, Sports |
Country: | United States |
Directed By: | Alex Ranarivelo |
Written By: | Steve Sarno, Ali Afshar, Alex Ranarivelo |
Cast: | Johanna Braddy, Walter Perez, Christina Moore, Paul J. Alessi, Michael Esparza, Spencer Breslin, Erik Sords, Matt McCoy, Grant Show, Sherry Stringfield, Alden Ray, John Pyper-Ferguson, Nicole Badaan, Joseph Cross, Whitmer Thomas, Ali Afshar, Erik King, Brando Eaton |
In Theaters: | Feb 28, 2012 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 39 minutes |
Production: | American Cinema International, ESX Entertainment |
Available On: | Amazon |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |