I love independent horror films. They're a space where creators can examine allegorical ideas and real-life traumas with unfettered control, while still providing fans the genre thrills they need. Such a wonderful intersection proves to work again in the wonderful trailer for The Unfamiliar, a British indie horror film from South African director Henk Pretorius (. The film looks chilling, appropriately slow-moving, and full of examinations of genuine pain. But it also is chock-full of batty imagery, including a jump scare that ends so predictably I seriously laughed in delight for like a whole minute. I encourage …
Taika Waititi's Oscar-nominated Jojo Rabbit is polarizing for its tonal shifts. We share the funniest and saddest moments of this Nazi satire.
Marriage Story is a sad & heartbreaking story of divorce and parenting. For the funniest & saddest scenes in the movie, check out this list.
Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis launched on the sketch comedy website Funny or Die back in 2008. The premise is pretty simple: the show uses public access production values while comedian Zach Galifianakis plays a deadpan, cutting interviewer talking to celebrities. A typical interaction will be something like Galifianakis asking Ben Stiller if he ever thought about going into comedy like his parents, and Stiller quietly stewing. The premise works because not only does Galifianakis have great comic delivery and timing, but because it works as a surreal, inverse take on the fawning celebrity interview. It lets us indulge …
While the Harry Potter series might be known for being serious overall, there were definitely a lot of funny moments, too. The themes in Harry Potter could be pretty heavy at times and dealt with death and fear, but there were also a lot of moments of the students at Hogwarts being teenagers and having fun.