Set as a flashback to the Roaring Twenties, Uncle Max (S. Z. Sakall) expresses displeasure to his grandniece and grandnephew, who are making fun of their parents' outdated fashions, and begins telling the story of Nanette Carter (Doris Day), a Westchester County, New York socialite with show business aspirations. She offers to invest $25,000 in a Broadway show if her boyfriend, producer Larry Blair (Billy De Wolfe), casts her in the starring role. What she doesn't realize is that Larry is two-timing her with ingenue Beatrice Darcy (Patrice Wymore), whom he envisions as the lead. When he accepts Nanette's offer, she imposes upon her wealthy, penny-pinching uncle, J. Maxwell Bloomhaus (Sakall) to lend her the money.
MPAA Rating: | NR |
Genre: | Comedy, Musical, Romance |
Country: | United States |
Produced By: | William Jacobs |
Directed By: | David Butler |
Written By: | Harry Clork, Frank Mandel, Emil Nyitray, Vincent Youmans, Otto A. Harbach, Irving Caesar, William Jacobs |
Cast: | Gordon MacRae, Elinor Donahue, Dee Turnell, Jack Daley, Robert 'Buddy' Shaw, Angela Stevens, Harry Harvey, Eve Arden, Johnny McGovern, Billy De Wolfe, Michael Miller, Pat Flaherty, Herschel Daugherty, George Baxter, Bess Flowers, John Hedloe, Abe Dinovitch, Crauford Kent, Gene Nelson, Art Gilmore, Patrice Wymore, Doris Day, Elizabeth Flournoy, S.Z. Sakall, Norman Ollestad, Virginia Gibson, Daria Massey, Carol Haney, Bill Goodwin, Carol Coombs |
In Theaters: | Sep 02, 1950 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 38 minutes |
Production: | Warner Bros. |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |