Pixar’s beloved flagship franchise Toy Story comes to a definitive conclusion this year with Toy Story 4, which serves as an epilogue for the interconnected stories of Woody (Tom Hanks), Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), their friends, and a host of new toys. The sequel is currently enjoying critical and audience approval, but even something as cherished as a Toy Story movie isn’t free of some oversights.
If you don’t agree by now that Avengers: Endgame has redefined what’s possible within a filmmaking universe, then you’re obviously incapable of admitting you’re wrong. While ending arguably one of the biggest story arcs ever to be undertaken in a franchise, Endgame has laid waste to box office records all over the world.
The box office results are in and it looks like How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World has won over audiences. Some well known franchises can tend to take a nose dive in quality after so many movies. However, this film bucks that trend. It's unusual to find a threequel that satisfies fans expectations with both breathtaking spectacle and intimate character moments. With that said, enough of us have now watched it to start digging into some of the plot's finer details. There are both plot holes as well as terrific moments worth discussing.