A Road to Mecca: The Journey of Muhammad Asad

MPAA Rating:NR
Produced By:Ralph Wieser
Directed By:Georg Misch
Written By:Miriam Ali De Unzaga, Georg Misch
Cast:Adnan Ibrahim, Ikram Chayhatai, Talal Asad, Muhammad Asad, Omar Al Rawi, Abdul Rahman Al-Shubeiri, Samuel Honigman, Martin Goldenberg, Mohse Ruthven, Abu Moussa, Ahmed Zaki Yamani, Sonia Muyal, Rachel Muyal, Al-Gamah, Arnon Soffer, Maza Al Kurtubi, José Hidalgo
In Theaters:Sep 18, 2009
Runtime:1 hour 33 minutes
Production:Mischief Films