Described as "a coming-of-age drama that evolves into a crime thriller", the film begins with teenagers Jonas and Casey meeting, introduced by Casey's faithful dog Blaise. Jonas spends his days working on his father's cattle ranch in the Great Lakes region of North America; Casey and her father Wayne, a police sergeant, are the new neighbors. Wayne tries to quell the romance blossoming between Casey and Jonas. When Jonas sees Wayne hit Casey, Jonas and Wayne get into fight and Wayne threatens Jonas's life. Later, Jonas sees Wayne steal a large sum of money; Jonas takes the money from Wayne and he and Casey go on the lam, living outdoors and trying to stay one step ahead of Wayne and the authorities.
MPAA Rating: | R |
Genre: | Thriller |
Country: | Canada |
Produced By: | Andrew Shea, Courtenay Bainbridge, Chris Hatcher, Rosalie Chilelli, Jonathan Bronfman, William Woods, Rob Mcgillivray, Patrice Theroux, Allison Black, Tom Spriggs, Ben Stranahan, AndrÉ Bharti, Mark Gingras |
Directed By: | Nathan Morlando |
Written By: | Ryan Grassby, Kevin Coughlin |
Cast: | Joe Cobden, George Buza, Sophie Nélisse, Tara Nicodemo, Mike McPhaden, Josh Wiggins, Ryan Blakely, Richard Waugh, Vickie Papavs, Colm Feore, Bill Paxton |
In Theaters: | Jan 04, 2017 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 48 minutes |
Production: | Woods Entertainment, Euclid 431 Pictures, Tip-Top Productions, Sugar Shack Productions, Project AMB, JoBro Productions & Film Finance |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes, Netflix, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |