Set between the 1910s and 1940s, the film follows Shaggy (Diogo Morgado), a feared killer in the state of Pernambuco. Shaggy, raised by a local bandit named Seven Ears (Deto Montenegro) who found him as an abandoned baby, grows up in the wilderness, completely isolated from civilization. Now an adult, he finally goes to town to look for Seven Ears who has disappeared, but instead finds a place ruled by the tyrannical Monsieur Blanchard (Etienne Chicot), a Frenchman who runs the precious stones trade and previously employed Seven Ears as an assassin. Read more on Wikipedia.
MPAA Rating: | NR |
Genre: | Western |
Country: | Brazil |
Directed By: | Marcelo Galvão |
Written By: | Marcelo Galvão |
Cast: | Marat Descartes, Diogo Morgado, Carlos Miola, Daniela Galli, Thaila Ayala, César Brasil, Maria De Medeiros, Will Roberts, Mel Lisboa, Nill Marcondes, Etienne Chicot, Francisco Gaspar, Deto Montenegro, Phil Miler, Paulo Gorgulho, João Miller, Igor Cotrim |
In Theaters: | Nov 10, 2017 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 39 minutes |
Production: | Gatacine, Swen Group |
Available On: | Netflix |