The film takes place in suburban Tokyo, and begins with a group of boy students going home. The film steers into a subplot concerning the local women's club monthly dues. Everyone in the neighborhood club believes that Mrs Hayashi, the treasurer, has given the dues to the chairwoman, Mrs Haraguchi, but Mrs Haraguchi denies it. They gossip amongst themselves who could have taken the money, and speculate that Mrs Haraguchi could have used the money to buy for herself a new washing machine. Later Mrs Haraguchi confronts Mrs Hayashi for starting the rumor and ruining her reputation, but Mrs Hayashi states that she has indeed handed the dues money to Haraguchi's mother. Only later does Mrs Haraguchi realize it was her mistake (her mother being quite senile and forgetful), and she goes to apologize.
MPAA Rating: | NR |
Genre: | Comedy, Drama, Family |
Country: | Japan |
Produced By: | Shizuo Yamanouchi |
Directed By: | Yasujirô Ozu |
Written By: | Yasujirô Ozu, Kôgo Noda |
Cast: | Kuniko Miyake, Sadako Sawamura, Masahiko Shimazu, Toyo Takahashi, Yoshiko Kuga, Akio Satake, Toshio Shimamura, Keiji Sada, Mutsuko Sakura, Akira ÔIzumi, Norikazu Takeda, Taiji Tonoyama, Kôji Shitara, Kyôko Izumi, Teruko Nagaoka, Eijirô Tôno, Tsûsai Sugawara, Keijirô Morozumi, Haruko Sugimura, Eiko Miyoshi, Yôko Chimura, Fujio Suga, Haruo Tanaka, Chishû Ryû |
In Theaters: | Feb 01, 1962 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 34 minutes |
Production: | Shochiku |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |