For a lot of people, myself included, the #1 thing you know about Hamilton—next to the earworm hooks, the history, and Lin-Manuel Miranda's emergence as America's friendliest uncle—is how unlikely it felt for so long that you'd ever actually see it. Earlier this week, my colleague Matt Goldberg provided a thoughtful review of the show's filmed debut on Disney+, from the perspective of someone who saw its original Broadway run. But for five years Hamilton existed to me only in the form of a cast album, and it's impossible to describe what …
These small details in The Witcher 3 will often only be noticed while replaying the quests. Find out what you may have missed.
For nostalgic Pokémon fans, diving back in 1998’s Pokémon Red and Blue can be an illuminating experience. Check out the details you missed at first!
Rockstar put so much work into Grand Theft Auto V that it's impossible to catch all of these subtle details until your second or third playthrough.
Joker 2019 is a complicated film that rewards multiple viewings since there are small details you'll only catch the second time around.
The Empire Strikes Back is arguably the best Star Wars movie, but even hardcore fans missed these 10 tiny details until a rewatch
Christopher Nolan's film The Dark Knight is a great superhero movie. When you sit down to rewatch it, you'll definitely notice these tiny details.
There are a lot of interesting details hidden beneath the surface in 'You Only Move Twice,' one of The Simpson's most beloved episodes