Boy, a young child, lives in a dystopian city with his mother and younger sister Mina. Boy and Mina often play arcade games and draw illustrations of their future. The city is ruled by the Van Der Koy family: Gideon, Melanie, Melanie's husband Glen and the head of the family - Hilda. Once a year, Hilda gathers 12 people from the city to participate in The Culling, where all twelve are killed on live television. Hilda gathers Boy, Mina and their mother and shoots Mina and their mother, killing them, but leaves Boy for dead, having made him deaf and mute. An unnamed Shaman finds Boy and nurses him back to health.
MPAA Rating: | NR |
Genre: | Action, Thriller, Crime |
Country: | Germany, South Africa, United States |
Directed By: | Moritz Mohr |
Written By: | Tyler Burton Smith, Arend Remmers, Moritz Mohr |
Cast: | Nicholas Crovetti, Bill Skarsgård, Shane John Kruger, Yayan Ruhian, Jane De Wet, Jessica Rothe, Brett Gelman, Sharlto Copley, Famke Janssen, Inge Beckmann, Nena Butler, Martin Munro, Michelle Dockery, Andrew Koji, Quinn Copeland, Monica Angrand, Isaiah Mustafa, Cameron Crovetti |
In Theaters: | Apr 26, 2024 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 51 minutes |
Production: | Nthibah Pictures, Hammerstone Studios, Raimi Productions, Ventaro Film |
Box Office: | $2,626,127 |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |