Tina Balser, an educated, frustrated housewife and mother, is in a loveless marriage with Jonathan, an insufferable, controlling, emotionally abusive, social-climbing lawyer in New York City. He treats her like a servant, undermines her with insults, and belittles her appearance, abilities, and the raising of their two girls, who treat their mother with the same rudeness as their father. Searching for relief, she begins a sexually fulfilling affair with a cruel and coarse writer, George Prager, who treats her with similar brusqueness and contempt, which only drives her deeper into despair.
MPAA Rating: | R |
Genre: | Comedy, Drama |
Country: | United States |
Produced By: | Ronald H. Gilbert, Frank Perry |
Directed By: | Frank Perry |
Written By: | Sue Kaufman, Eleanor Perry |
Cast: | Pamela Saunders, Alice Cooper, Lee Addoms, Richard Benjamin, Peter Boyle, William Kiehl, Beverly Ballard, William Hansen, Donald Symington, John Tillinger, Neal Smith, Leonard Elliott, Cash Baxter, Kurt Garfield, Glen Buxton, Lorraine Cullen, Alley Mills, Carrie Snodgress, Frannie Michel, Frank Langella, Michael Bruce, George Loros, Lydia Wilen, Hilda Haynes, Elaine Kaufman, Peter Dohanos, I.W. Klein, Katherine Meskill, Lester Rawlins, Dennis Dunaway, Valma, Ja'Net DuBois |
In Theaters: | Aug 10, 1970 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 35 minutes |
Production: | Frank Perry Films Inc. |
Box Office: | $2,782,256 |
Available On: | Amazon |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |