The Exorcism of God

MPAA Rating:R
Genre:Drama, Horror
Country:Mexico, Venezuela, United States
Directed By:Alejandro Hidalgo
Written By:Santiago Fernández Calvete, Alejandro Hidalgo
Cast:Hector Kotsifakis, Evelia Di Gennaro, Jesse Celedon, Patricia Rojas, Eloisa Maturen, Alfredo Herrera, Raquel Rojas, Irán Castillo, Maria Antonieta Hidalgo, Patricia Pacheco, Juan Ignacio Aranda, María Gabriela De Faría, Nuria Gil, Simona Chirinos, Johanna Winkel, Christian Rummel, Will Beinbrink, Joseph Marcell
In Theaters:Mar 31, 2022
Runtime:1 hour 38 minutes
Production:Epica Pictures, Kabche Film Production, Mouth of the Devil, Terminal
Available On:Itunes, Vudu