Friend of the World

In the aftermath of a global disaster, a young filmmaker (Diane) is trapped in a war bunker. She encounters an insane war general (Gore) who seems to be her only hope of surviving the apocalypse.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Comedy, Sci Fi, Horror, Thriller
Country:United States
Directed By:Brian Patrick Butler
Written By:Brian Patrick Butler
Cast:Shay Tyler, Scott Schramp, Michael C. Burgess, Judy Codina, Marianna Pinto, Neil Raymond Ricco, Alexandra Slade, Emily Chan, Michael Butler, Kevin Smith, Luke Anthony Pensabene, Eric Codina, Nick Young, Jean Gotay, Kathryn Schott, Elena Butler, Shimmy Gabbara, Tanya Ruth Linsdau
In Theaters:Jun 14, 2021
Runtime:50 minutes
Production:Charybdis Pictures, Gray Area Multimedia
Available On:Amazon
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