Set in a fictional city where Kasaki Station exists, there is an urban legend about an "Urashima Tunnel," a tunnel that is capable of granting one's wish—but with a price. Kaoru Touno is a high school student in a rural town in Japan who keeps to himself, going home each day on the Oosara-Sugimori train line. One rainy day, Kaoru meets a soaked Anzu Hanashiro at the train station. Kaoru tries to give her his umbrella, during which she reveals that she does not have parents, which Kaoru tells her is "good". Anzu accepts the umbrella, and they exchange phone numbers.
MPAA Rating: | NR |
Genre: | Mystery, Fantasy, Animation, Drama, Sci Fi, Romance |
Country: | Japan |
Directed By: | Tomohisa Taguchi |
Written By: | Mei Hachimoku, Tomohisa Taguchi |
Cast: | Tasuku Hatanaka, Rikiya Koyama, Oji Suzuka, Arisa Komiya, Marie Iitoyo, Seiran Kobayashi, Haruka Terui |
In Theaters: | Sep 09, 2022 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 23 minutes |
Production: | Clap Animation Studio, Pony Canyon |
Box Office: | $125,067 |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |