Brave New Jersey is a 2016 American comedy film directed by Jody Lambert written by Michael Dowling and Jody Lambert. The film stars Tony Hale, Anna Camp, Sam Jaeger, Heather Burns, Dan Bakkedahl and Raymond J. Barry. The film was released on August 4, 2017, by Gravitas Ventures. Read more on Wikipedia.
MPAA Rating: | NR |
Genre: | Comedy |
Country: | United States |
Produced By: | Christina Jo'Leigh, Luke Daniels, Jen Roskind, Steve Cubine, Taylor Williams, Denise Chamian, Brandon K. Hogan, Alan Pao |
Directed By: | Jody Lambert |
Written By: | Michael Dowling, Jody Lambert |
Cast: | Blaque Fowler, Michael Dowling, Heather Burns, Noah Lomax, Grace Kaufman, Bill Coelius, Helen Ingebritsen, Tony Hale, Sam Jaeger, Raymond J. Barry, Anna Camp, Harp Sandman, Sandra Ellis Lafferty, Matt Oberg, Patrick Miller, Leonard Earl Howze, Gabriel Landis, Jack Landry, Mel Rodriguez, Roy Hawkins Jr., Evan Jonigkeit, Dean Allen Jones, Erika Alexander, Dan Bakkedahl |
In Theaters: | Aug 04, 2017 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 31 minutes |
Production: | BondIt, Shot Clock, The |
Box Office: | $14,105 |