
In a magical world known as The Motherland, a young fairy godmother-in-training named Eleanor discovers that her profession as fairy godmother is in danger of ending. Determined to show that fairy godmothers are still needed, Eleanor tries to help a girl whose wish was ignored, only to discover that she grew into a woman named Mackenzie who, having lost her husband years ago, grew disillusioned with the idea of a "happily ever after".

MPAA Rating:PG
Genre:Comedy, Fantasy, Drama, Family
Country:United States
Directed By:Sharon Maguire
Written By:Kari Granlund, Melissa Stack
Cast:Stephnie Weir, Artemis Pebdani, Jane Curtin, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Isla Fisher, Olga Merediz, Janelle Feigley, Mary Elizabeth Ellis, Jillian Bell, Santiago Cabrera, Levon Panek, Rafael Silva, Willa Skye, June Squibb, Jillian Shea Spaeder
In Theaters:Dec 04, 2020
Runtime:1 hour 50 minutes
Production:The Montecito Picture Company, Walt Disney Pictures
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