
Saloum is a 2021 Senegalese thriller film directed by Congolese director Jean Luc Herbulot and produced by Pamela Diop. The film stars Yann Gael, Mentor Ba and Roger Sallah in the lead roles whereas Evelyne Ily Juhen, Bruno Henry, and Marielle Salmier made supportive roles. The film revolves around Bangui's Hyenas, an elite trio of mercenaries that extract a drug dealer and his bricks amidst of Guinea-Bissau's coup d'état of 2003.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Horror, Thriller
Directed By:Jean Luc Herbulot
Written By:Jean Luc Herbulot, Pamela Diop
Cast:Marielle Salmier, Bruno Henry, Ndiaga Mbow, Cannabasse, Babacar Oualy, Yann Gael, Alvina Karamoko, Renaud Farah, Evelyne Ily Juhen, Mentor Ba, Roger Sallah
In Theaters:Sep 08, 2022
Runtime:1 hour 24 minutes
Production:Lacmé, Rumble Fish Productions, Tableland Pictures
Box Office:$5,078
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