The plot revolves around Gwen and George Kellerman, whose company has invited him to interview for a possible job promotion in New York City. From the moment they depart their home town of Twin Oaks, Ohio, the couple suffers nearly every indignity out-of-towners possibly could experience: Heavy air traffic and dense fog forces their flight to circle around JFK Airport and the New York skyline for hours before finally being rerouted to Boston's Logan Airport, where they discover their luggage – in which George's ulcer medication and Gwen's extra cash are packed – was left behind.
MPAA Rating: | G |
Genre: | Comedy |
Country: | United States |
Produced By: | Paul Nathan |
Directed By: | Arthur Hiller |
Written By: | Neil Simon |
Cast: | Sandy Baron, Paul Jabara, Alfred Mazza, Anne Meara, Sandy Dennis, Jon Korkes, Bob Bennett, Anthony Holland, Thomas McGowan, Thalmus Rasulala, Dolph Sweet, Graham Jarvis, Richard Libertini, Robert Nichols, Norma Jean Kron, Jack Lemmon, Ann Prentiss, Ron Carey, Carlos Montalbán, Ray Ballard, Arthur Tovey, Philip Bruns, Robert King, Regis Toomey, Billy Dee Williams, Maxwell Glanville, Robert Walden, Paul Dooley, Johnny Brown, Milt Kamen |
In Theaters: | May 28, 1970 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 41 minutes |
Production: | Jalem Productions |
Box Office: | $4,337,392 |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |