With all due respect, these '90s classics do not hold up to the test of time.
Some '80s movies have become classics, and others, not so much.
Some of the 2000's most famous movies are about to be brought down, as even franchises like Harry Potter have lesser entries that haven't aged well.
The Back to the Future trilogy has its fair share of memorable moments and quotes, with this list being made of the most iconic.
IGN and it's community discuss their favorite movies about high school and which ones best stand the test of time.
There are plenty of reasons why The Sandlot is just as popular nearly 30 years later.
The Sci-Fi experienced something of a resurgence in recent years, and here are 10 shows from the last decade that'll be remembered for years to come.
Sam Rockwell, Kathy Bates and Jon Hamm gush about the legendary filmmaker.
The Academy Awards mean different things to different people. For some movie fans, it's the biggest night of the year, the Super Bowl for worthy movies. For others, it's a night of self-congratulation and advertisements. While the latter group seems way less fun to be around, both sides have their points and, ultimately, the Oscars are just a fun show that means whatever you want them to mean. What isn't up for debate, however, is the fact that when a movie is nominated for the biggest prize -- Best Picture -- it gets a lot of attention that it may not have received otherwise. Some of these movies, on the heel of their Best Picture nominations, become instant classics that stand the test of time and become beloved by millions. For others, they get a temporary popularity boost but end up being forgotten by most.