For the first time Walt Disney's World's Rise of the Resistance is giving the traditional standby line a try. So how well is it working out for guests?
Buckle up, Trekkies! It's time to go back to the beginning of the Kelvin Timeline.
If a butterfly flaps its wings in 2002, can Ashton Kutcher feel it in 1989?
The army of the 12 Monkeys marches on...
Spoilers: to understand Timeline, you'll need to know a bit about fax machines.
Donnie Darko's time travel is a prime example of simple, but effective, temporal change.
Can the future become the past, with the X-Men on the case?
Resistance is futile, but time travel's still pretty easy in this case.
This time loop is quite the time killer.
Battle is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged.
Danger, Will Robinson! No, seriously, you're about to do something very risky!
Get ready for a time travel adventure that'll throw you for a loop!
Two captains, unlimited potential, and the star system that depends on their actions.
Get ready for a mind-bending adventure!
The Judgement Day you knew was coming is finally here.
Apologies in advance for the lack of colorful metaphors in this write-up.