The Rescue

The Rescue (紧急救援) is an upcoming Chinese action film directed by Dante Lam. The film follows the personal and professional lives of members from the China Rescue & Salvage of the Chinese Ministry of Transport. The film stars Eddie Peng, Wang Yanlin, Xin Zhilei, Lan Yingying, Wang Yutian, and Xu Yang. The film is scheduled to the released in China on 25 January 2020.

MPAA Rating:NR
Directed By:Dante Lam
Written By:Yaqing Zhi, Wong Sze Man, Tan Yuli
Cast:Zhang Jingyi, Yingying Lan, Liu Yichun, Xiaodong Guo, Eddie Peng, Mincheng Li, Andrew Lin, Carlos Chan, Xinrui Li, Daxun Wei, Guoqiang Zhang, Yang Xu, Zhilei Xin, Yanlin Wang
In Theaters:Jan 25, 2020
Runtime:2 hours 19 minutes
Production: China Modern Film and Television Development, Film Fireworks
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