Ravenclaws won't watch just any fluff on tv - they want the smart, the strange, and the brilliant - and these are all of the above.
One of the many muggle inventions left out of Hogwarts is the television. If Hogwarts allowed TVs, what shows would Hufflepuffs watch?
Harry Potter's Gryffindors are courageous and reckless. For those who relate with Godric's Hogwarts House, these 10 TV shows are worth a watch.
Which Harry Potter house do you belong to? If it's the cunning Slytherin, then you'll want to check out these shows!
Watchmen dropped a huge bombshell about Doctor Manhattan and his presence in the series. Here's how this big twist figures into Watchmen's endgame.
Krypton season 2, episode 7, "Zods and Monsters" confirms that an iconic Superman character has been on the show since the very beginning.