Did you catch the first trailer for Matt Reeves' The Batman during DC Fandome? Woo boy, it looks great. It looks like someone plopped a Gotham City story directly into David Fincher's Seven. It looks like Robert Pattinson absolutely walloped that man in clown paint into a level of unconsciousness previously unknown to medical science. However, despite the hype train rolling right on time out of Fandome, there does still exist a niche of naysayers whose buffoonery I cannot sanction. I don't mean anyone who just isn't feeling the trailer or the movie overall—different strokes, different …
Imagine for a moment if every time a new Bruce Lee movie debuted, the conversation became "wait, is this guy pretty good at martial arts?" Or if Jimi Hendrix straight-up came back from the dead right now and dropped an album and reviews were like, "finally, this man has proven he can more than adequately play guitar." Such is the madness we as a society cycle through every time Rachel McAdams appears in a comedy, runs away with the movie like some sort of humor bandit, and leaves the rest of the cast behind in a crumpled heap of …