
Bob Cabana, an employee of Kellogg's, befriends a young boy in a diner who's running away from home and asks for Pop-Tarts. He offers to tell him the true origin story of the American breakfast food.

In 60s Battlecreek, MI, the headquarters of both cereal giants Kellogg's and Post, the companies battle to develop more and more popular breakfast foods. After Kellogg's yet again dominates in the '63 Bowl and Spoon Awards, Bob senses that Post is about to unveil something that could dominate the market.

MPAA Rating:PG-13
Genre:Biography, Comedy, History
Country:United States
Directed By:Jerry Seinfeld
Written By:Spike Feresten, Andy Robin, Jerry Seinfeld, Barry Marder
Cast:Max Greenfield, Maria Bakalova, Melissa McCarthy, Rachael Harris, James Marsden, Thomas Lennon, Dan Levy, Amy Schumer, Christian Slater, Hugh Grant
In Theaters:May 03, 2024
Runtime:1 hour 33 minutes
Production:Columbus 81 Productions, Netflix Studios
Available On:Netflix
Read More On:Wikipedia