A small town Halloween festival finds itself intruded upon by an evil carnival with designs upon imprisoning and feeding off the souls of unwary teenagers. Targeted are four high school friends, Beth, Kellen, Nicole and Luke. Beth notices a new kid named Hunter and falls for him. Kellen then meets Lilith (who works at the carnival known as Dr. Hysteria's Hall of Horrors) and starts to fall for her too.
MPAA Rating: | PG |
Genre: | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror |
Country: | United States |
Directed By: | Peter DeLuise |
Written By: | Dan Angel, R.L. Stine, Billy Brown |
Cast: | Matt Phillips, Tiffany Espensen, David James, Katherine McNamara, Sean Tyson, Braeden Lemasters, Connor Stanhope, Karin Konoval, Jacob Desormeaux, Fiona Vroom, Andrew Kavadas, Laine MacNeil, Dove Cameron, Ryan McCartan, Carey Feehan, Keith MacKechnie, Casey Dubois, Kelly-Ruth Mercier |
In Theaters: | Sep 29, 2015 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 26 minutes |
Production: | Universal 1440 Entertainment, EveryWhere Studios |
Budget: | $4,400,000 |
Available On: | Amazon, Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |