God Said, 'Ha!'

A 1998 film that was written and directed by Julia Sweeney, who was also the movie's star. It had its world premiere on 14 March 1998 at the South by Southwest Film Festival and focuses on Sweeney's recollections of when her brother was diagnosed with cancer. Read more on Wikipedia.

MPAA Rating:PG-13
Genre:Comedy, Drama
Country:United States
Produced By:Quentin Tarantino, Mark Friedman, Rana Joy Glickman, Greg Kachel, Dawn Todd Curfman
Directed By:Julia Sweeney
Written By:Julia Sweeney
Cast:Julia Sweeney, Quentin Tarantino
In Theaters:Mar 14, 1998
Runtime:1 hour 25 minutes
Box Office:$52,324
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu