Netflix has released the trailer for their upcoming drama Lost Girls. Based on the true story of five sex workers who disappeared near Long Island, the story follows Mari Gilbert (Amy Ryan), who works to uncover what happened to her missing daughter, Shannan. This is one of my most-anticipated movies playing at Sundance this year because the hook here isn't just a matter of "solving" the case, but looking at the larger systemic issues that led to the disappearance of young women from white, working-class neighborhoods. I'm eager to see what director Liz Garbus (What Happened, …
Netflix has released a new trailer for Ava DuVernay’s four-part miniseries about the Central Park Five, When They See Us. In 1989, five teenage boys--four black and one Hispanic--were rounded up at random and charged with the horrific rape of a white female jogger in Central Park. There was no physical evidence linking the boys to the crime, but the cry for “justice” railroaded these young men through the legal system and put them in jail for over a decade. This new trailer focuses primarily on their lives once they were released from prison. I started …
Roadside Attractions has released the Trial by Fire trailer. Based on a true story, the film follows the unlikely bond between a death row inmate (Jack O’Connell) and a mother of two from Houston (Laura Dern), who fights for his freedom when she uncovers questionable methods and illogical conclusions in his case. I have mixed feelings on this one. On the one hand, I'm a big fan of these two actors, and more than that, I like how the film is apparently looking towards a broken system rather than one case of injustice. The question comes with how …