Empathy, Inc.

The film tells the story of Joel, a struggling tech venture capitalist who invests his and his in-laws money in an extreme virtual reality company called Empathy Inc., whose proposed technology will allow wealthy people to spend time in the shoes of the less fortunate.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Drama, Sci Fi, Thriller
Country:United States
Directed By:Yedidya Gorsetman
Written By:Mark Leidner
Cast:Fenton Lawless, Jay Klaitz, Eric Berryman, Charmaine Reedy, AJ Cedeno, Kathy Searle, Anthony Mangano, Karen Lynn Gorney, Brandon Engman, Selima Smith-Dell, Tom Kemnitz Jr., Ben Scheiner, Zack Robidas, Trip Rockafellow
In Theaters:Sep 13, 2019
Runtime:1 hour 37 minutes
Production:Rigel Films
Read More On:Wikipedia