Discord has grown into a pivotal part of gaming culture, and this step-by-step guide outlines how to add a bot to a server.
TemTem, which may be the closest thing Pokemon fans get to an MMORPG inspired by their favorite series, stumbled out of the gate in Early Access.
Minecraft can be a lonely game of survival sometimes. This guide will walk you through creating a shared server for you and your friends to explore.
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition has a very specific audience in mind, one which thoroughly enjoys D&D and early 2000's polygonal graphics.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is now available, but it's just not playable... launch servers are completely down and streamers can't play!
The servers for both Destiny games have been taken down for emergency service after Shadowkeep's launch has created some massive issues.
Players weagerly waiting to jump into Gears 5 early with the game's Ultimate Edition meet with frustrating server and Xbox Live issues.
Dungeons & Dragons Online is launching a server featuring permadeath, with rewards for players who compete.