Over a year after the events of Venom (2018), investigative journalist Eddie Brock struggles to adjust to life as the host of the alien symbiote Venom, who gives him super-human abilities to act as a lethal vigilante. Brock attempts to reignite his career by interviewing serial killer Cletus Kasady, who also becomes the host of a symbiote and escapes prison after a botched execution.
MPAA Rating: | PG-13 |
Genre: | Action, Thriller, Sci Fi, Adventure |
Country: | United States, United Kingdom, Canada |
Directed By: | Andy Serkis |
Written By: | Kelly Marcel |
Cast: | Sean Delaney, Michelle Greenidge, Woody Harrelson, Michelle Williams, Otis Winston, Reid Scott, Tom Hardy, Sean Michael McGrory, William W. Barbour, Alfredo Tavares, Stephen Graham, Laurence Spellman, Naomie Harris, Amber Sienna, Peggy Lu |
In Theaters: | Oct 01, 2021 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 37 minutes |
Production: | Marvel Entertainment, Pascal Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) |
Box Office: | $141,665,616 |
Available On: | Vudu |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |