Na Band Na Baraati

The movie revolves around a typical Pakistani family living in Toronto, Canada. The story revolves around the main lead Anzhelika Tahir who plays the role of Aisha in the film where she gets married to the older brotherMikaal Zulfiqar on paper while she is married via Muslim Nikkah Rituals with the younger brother. Mikaal Zulfiqar and debutante Shayan Khan are playing the roles of brothers while Ali Kazmi is playing a villian who is also in love with Anzhelika Tahir (Aisha). Read more on Wikipedia.

MPAA Rating:NR
Directed By:Mahmood Akthar
Written By:Harish Kumar Patel
Cast:Saram Jaffery, Atiqa Odho, Azra Mohiuddin, Ali Kazmi, Qavi Khan, Mikaal Zulfikar, Komal Farooqi, Nayab Khan, Zuhair Jaffery, Shayan Khan
In Theaters:Jul 06, 2018
Runtime:2 hours 14 minutes
Production:Zashko Entertainment