Captain America: Brave New World

Five months after Thaddeus Ross is elected President of the United States, he sends Sam Wilson and Joaquin Torres—the new Captain America and Falcon, respectively—to Oaxaca, Mexico, to stop the illegal sale of classified items stolen by the Serpent Society, a rogue special-ops team led by Sidewinder. They recover the items, but Sidewinder escapes. Torres is excited to be taking on Wilson's former mantle, but Wilson is hesitant to involve Torres in dangerous missions due to the pair not having superpowers like former Captain America Steve Rogers. After the mission, Wilson and Torres train with Isaiah Bradley, a super soldier who was imprisoned and experimented on by the U.S. government.

MPAA Rating:PG-13
Genre:Action, Adventure, Sci Fi
Country:United States
Directed By:Julius Onah
Written By:Matthew Orton, Dalan Musson, Malcolm Spellman
Cast:Anthony Mackie, Giancarlo Esposito, Zo'Anne Mckinstry, Shira Haas, Phuong Nguyen, Colby Lopez, Tim Blake Nelson, Carl Lumbly, Danny Ramirez, Rosa Salazar, Xosha Roquemore, Rachael Markarian, Jacqueline Yu, Liv Tyler, Harrison Ford
In Theaters:Feb 14, 2025
Production:Marvel Studios, The Walt Disney Company
Box Office:$141,205,738
Read More On:Wikipedia