Wuthering Heights is a modern-day adaptation of Emily Brontë's classic 1847 novel that aired on MTV in 2003 and was later released on DVD. It stars Erika Christensen, Mike Vogel, Christopher Masterson, Katherine Heigl, John Doe and Aimee Osbourne. The screenplay was by Max Enscoe and Annie deYoung, from an original screenplay by Jim Steinman and Patricia Knop. Although set in California, the filming location was Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico.
MPAA Rating: | PG-13 |
Genre: | Drama, Musical, Romance |
Country: | United States |
Directed By: | Suri Krishnamma |
Written By: | Max Enscoe, Annie DeYoung, Emily Brontë |
Cast: | Mike Vogel, Aimee Osbourne, Katherine Heigl, Edward Marshall, Adam Taylor Gordon, Erika Christensen, Seth Adkins, John Doe, Cordelia González, Katelin Petersen, Johnny Whitworth, Christopher Masterson, Pili Montilla |
In Theaters: | Sep 14, 2003 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 30 minutes |
Production: | MTV Studios |
Budget: | $3,500,000 |
Available On: | Amazon, Itunes |
Read More On: | Wikipedia |