House of Good and Evil

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Horror, Thriller
Country:United States
Produced By:Louisa Nolen, David Larsen, Blu De Golyer, Jason Gallimore, Sue Whalen De Golyer, Christian Oliver, Bo Keister, Mark Rickard
Directed By:David Mun
Written By:Blu De Golyer
Cast:Rob Neukirch, Rae Olivier, David Larsen, Blu De Golyer, Jason Gallimore, Christian Oliver, Jordan Rhodes, Bo Keister, Linda Motley, Cyndi Keister, Marietta Marich, Melodie Pogue
In Theaters:Oct 01, 2013
Runtime:1 hour 48 minutes
Production:Acort International
Available On:Amazon, Netflix, Vudu