The opening credits of Captive State start with a series of title cards detailing the events of an alien invasion and takeover. We’re informed that the aliens are now known as “legislators” since they control the law; major cities are now closed zones where humans labor to build underground tunnels for the aliens; collaboration with the aliens has exacerbated income inequality; and people who resist are deported off world. That’s a lot of interesting stuff that we’re only told about before the story picks up in Chicago, 2027. While the thought of dropping in right in the …
When new science-fiction films are about to be released, it’s common that we hear a lot of filmmakers talk about what are fairly standard inspirations – but that's not the case here.
After a week that saw Captain Marvel take over all of the movie headlines, we get three flicks with decidedly different themes. It’s a post-alien invasion world, sick teens, and an imaginary amusement park.