The story begins with an old grandmother telling her two granddaughters the story of The Little Mermaid. Despite their young ages, the girls don't believe in the story, until their grandmother tells them a tale of her own. Many years ago, a young reporter named Cam Harrison who had failed to earn a living sets out in search of a good story accompanied by his younger sister, Elle. There, they go to a circus and encounter a beautiful mermaid trapped in a glass tank. They are further amazed when the mermaid appears before them as a young woman with legs. The duo soon learn of a prophecy about a little girl born on land, blessed with the heart of a mermaid. With this prophecy come to life in Elle, they are further entangled in a sinister plot of a wizard who wishes to keep the mermaid's soul and convert it to power. Read more on Wikipedia.
MPAA Rating: | PG |
Genre: | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance |
Country: | United States |
Produced By: | Ed Arenas, Carrie Lynn Certa, Armando Gutierrez, Chip Lane, Fabio W. Silva, Anthony Varner, Christopher Dosen, Peter A. Lees |
Directed By: | Blake Harris, Chris Bouchard |
Written By: | Blake Harris, Hans Christian Andersen |
Cast: | John Archer Lundgren, Lexy Kolker, Jo Marie Payton, Chris Yong, Alyssa AnnMarie Marquez, Diahann Carroll, Tom Nowicki, Tanner Doan, William Forsythe, Armando Gutierrez, Gina Gershon, Hunter Gomez, Joey Martinez, William Moseley, Melissa Collazo, Shirley MacLaine, Claire Ryann, Jody Thompson, Peter Groverman, Adriana Zdonczyk, Jared Sandler, Poppy Drayton, Loreto Peralta, Shanna Collins, Antares Davis |
In Theaters: | Aug 17, 2018 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 25 minutes |
Production: | Conglomerate Media, Kingsway Productions (II) |