The Window

In New York's Lower East Side, lives young Tommy Woodry, who has a habit of crying wolf. Late one night, while trying to sleep on the building fire escape, he sees his two seemingly normal neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Kellerson, murder a drunken sailor in their apartment. No one – neither the boy's parents nor the police – believes Tommy when he tells them what he has seen, since they all assume that this is just another of the boy's tall tales.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Drama, Film Noir, Thriller
Country:United States
Produced By:Frederic Ullman Jr., Dore Schary
Directed By:Ted Tetzlaff
Written By:Cornell Woolrich, Mel Dinelli
Cast:Tom Coleman, Carl Saxe, Edgar Small, Ruth Roman, Lee Phelps, Alphonso DuBois, Bobby Driscoll, Lee Kass, Carl Faulkner, Budd Fine, Eric Mack, Lloyd Dawson, Brick Sullivan, James Nolan, Tom Ahearne, Paul Stewart, Barbara Hale, Richard Benedict, Ken Terrell, Arthur Kennedy, Charles Flynn, Anthony Ross
In Theaters:Jul 21, 1949
Runtime:1 hour 13 minutes
Production: RKO Radio Pictures
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu
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