Critics didn't like Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch back in 2011, but I'm here to say it's actually underrated - and here are my reasons why.
One of Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch stars has thoughts on that apparent director's cut.
Justice League doesn’t have to be the only Snyder Cut-branded movie.
After Rick Moranis got sucker punched on the streets of New York City, the NYPD finally found their suspect.
Sucker Punch is currently on Netflix, which means people are watching it again or giving it a chance since skipping it in theaters back in 2011 (the film limped to $89 million worldwide off a $82 million budget). This provided an opportunity for my editor Adam Chitwood to say, “Hey, Matt! You should write about the ending since this movie is confusing!” And it is confusing, but only because it’s an absolute mess that undermines its central message about female objectification. But let’s try to unpack what this film is trying to do. The film takes place across …
It looks like Cam'ron has some thoughts for the Safdie Brothers about Uncut Gems.