
In 1989, James Becker, a former marine, struggles with immense guilt and despair following the tragic death of his wife. His days dissolve into a haze of alcohol, and he often finds himself passed out by her grave in their backyard. Stark, a defense contractor and former associate, approaches Becker with an unexpected opportunity—a secret mission that could help him escape his misery. Initially reluctant, Becker’s curiosity is piqued, and he agrees to meet the challenge.

MPAA Rating:R
Genre:Action, Thriller
Country:United States, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom
Produced By:William Barber
Directed By:Mark Neveldine
Written By:Daniel Adams, William Barber
Cast:Jai Stefan, Joksan Ramos, Kate Katzman, Julio Ramos Velez, Victor Turpin, Mel Gibson, Jean Pierre Prats, Kiara Liz, Simon Phillips, Mauricio Hénao, Julia Sundstrom Sandstrom, Cole Hauser, Néstor Rodulfo, Ramiro 'Ramir' Delgado Ruiz, Jackie Cruz, Charlie Weber
In Theaters:Mar 18, 2022
Runtime:1 hour 34 minutes
Production:Yale Productions, SSS Entertainment, LB Entertainment, Do More Productions
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia