Rising High

Rising High (Betonrausch) is a 2020 German comedy-drama film directed and written by Cüneyt Kaya. The plot revolves around Viktor (David Kross), Gerry (Frederick Lau) and Nicole (Janina Uhse), who have figured out a way to make money out of the property market in Berlin. It was released on April 17, 2020, by Netflix.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Comedy, Drama
Directed By:Cüneyt Kaya
Cast:Jimmy Gutzeit, Uwe Preuss, Emily Goss, David Kross, Frederick Lau, Heike Hanold-Lynch, Alexander Yassin, Jerry Kwarteng, Janina Uhse, Dejan Bucin, Silvina Buchbauer
In Theaters:Apr 17, 2020
Runtime:1 hour 34 minutes
Production:UFA Fiction
Available On:Netflix
Read More On:Wikipedia