The Hyperborean

The Hyperborean is a Canadian comedy horror science fiction film, directed by Jesse Thomas Cook and released in 2023. The film centres on the wealthy owner of a whisky distillery company who summons his family to help recover a case of whisky that the company lost over 100 years ago when the ship foundered in the Canadian Arctic, but unwittingly unleash an ice mummy because a dead sailor's body was preserved in one of the whisky barrels.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Comedy, Sci Fi
Directed By:Jesse Thomas Cook
Written By:Tony Burgess
Cast:Jessica Vano, Justin Darmanin, Steve Kasan, Liv Collins, Tony Burgess, Justin Bott, Ry Barrett, Michael Masurkevitch, Marcia Alderson, Jonathan Craig, Greg Collins
In Theaters:Jul 19, 2024
Runtime:1 hour 34 minutes
Production: Collingwood Film Co.
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia