Vanessa Hudgens could be circling a third film, but she's ruled out one thing.
Getting mad at an awards show is like getting mad at a cat. Admittedly, as a rule, awards shows are a lot less cute and fuzzy than cats, but an awards show is what it is, is going to do what it's going to do, and no matter how much you yell at them, it's unlikely you'll ever see much change in their behavior. This remains true even during a pandemic, this year's Emmy Awards ceremony reveals, which were unlike any ceremony in television history but still featured some awkward gags, some funny ones, some blatant …
Here's some things about the world of Harry Potter we generally overlook.
Here are some things about the Bond franchise we just accept.
The Weasley family gives so much throughout the Harry Potter story but the Second Wizarding War still takes so much more them.
Hans Moleman is a staple of The Simpsons. As he goes through life, terrible things just seem to happen to him. Here are 10 of the very worst he faced.
10 of the craziest things that happened on the first season of this 90 Day Fiance spin-off, The Other Way. This stuff is nuts, y'all!
90 Day Fiance as a concept is already awkward, so it is no surprise there are plenty of moments within the show that are cringe inducing.
Grey's Anatomy is one of the best shows on television but the medical drama can also be one of the craziest!
Rick and Morty's story has seen some terrible things happen to Morty Smith, but the Cronenberg monsters are easily the worst thing he's experienced.
The Harry Potter movies don't tell us everything about Luna Lovegood; here are four things that happened beforehand, and six after.
Hagrid is a big fan-favorite of the Harry Potter franchise, but the movies don't reveal everything.
The Fast and Furious films are great, which is probably why we let a lot of these weird things slide.
The Magicians is easily one of the most slept on shows on TV. Of course, this is more than understandable considering there are hundreds of shows airing at the moment, and hundreds more that have already wrapped up but are still binge-worthy in their own right. However, there's just something about The Magicians that no other series can offer viewers right now. It's been called a more mature version of Harry Potter, with more than a few creative twists that move beyond reality.
The last Game of Thrones season is right around the corner. In fact, fans have been patiently waiting for its return. They're eager to see how the show will end. On the other hand, fans are sad to see the show go. Of course, fans watch the show closely and don't miss a thing. They catch each hint and clue. A lot has gone on in the show. At the same time, a lot happened before the first episode. The show has a rich history that impacts current events.