Family of Two

Family of Two (A Mother and Son Story) is a 2023 Philippine drama film written by Mel Mendoza-del Rosario and directed by Nuel Crisostomo Naval. Starring Sharon Cuneta and Alden Richards, the film revolves around a worried son who seeks to find a man as a partner for his single mother.

MPAA Rating:NR
Directed By:Nuel C. Naval
Written By:Mel Mendoza-Del Rosario
Cast:Sharon Cuneta, Adrianna So, Soliman Cruz, Justine Luzares, Tonton Gutierrez, Carla Guevarra, Artemio Abad, Alden Richards, Jackie Lou Blanco, Dr. Guiang, Miles Ocampo, Chris Tan, Bart Guingona, Pepe Herrera, Donna Cariaga, Raul Montesa, AB Garcia, Floyd Tena
In Theaters:Dec 25, 2023
Runtime:1 hour 40 minutes
Production: Cineko Productions
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