The official trailer for director Paul W.S. Anderson's Monster Hunter has finally arrived. We got our first look at the video-game-to-screen adaptation Monster Hunter a little over a week ago. That teaser trailer not only revealed the Monster Hunter cast (as well as a hulking Black Diablos monster) but also confirmed the movie's release date had been pushed up from April 2021 to December 2020. The live-action movie adaptation of Monster Hunter comes from Constantin Films and Capcom, the latter of which was behind the Monster Hunter video game on which the movie …
Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics have revealed a new trailer for Marvel's Avengers, the super-powered video game arriving this September, which gives a little bit more plot details but far more importantly reveals that the main antagonist will be none other than the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, better known as M.O.D.O.K. It's well-documented that every single person at Collider (see: literally just me) thinks M.O.D.O.K.—an evil sentient tuna can with psychic abilities, genius intellect, and tiny little noodle legs—is a comic book icon who …
It's only been a few weeks since the Westworld Season 3 finale and we're already looking ahead to Season 4. At least, series co-creator Jonathan Nolan is already looking ahead, which means we are, too, and subsequently seeing if any of his teases could help fuel a whole new set of theories. [caption id="attachment_885957" align="alignright" width="360"] Photo by John P. Johnson/HBO[/caption] Turns out, Nolan might have dropped a notable clue during a virtual roundtable discussion courtesy of the Paley Center for Media (via Entertainment Weekly), which aired earlier this week. The roundtable …
Buffy the Vampire Slayer constantly featured big bads, and Dark Willow and the Trio are the potential villains for Season 6 of the popular show.
There is reason to believe the Court of Owls - a secret society that rules Gotham City in the Batman comics - are the secret villains of Batwoman.
The CW has released the first look at LaMonica Garrett as the Anti-Monitor [via EW], the Big Bad of the Arrowverse's upcoming mega-crossover, "Crisis on Infinite Earths". Here, in order they popped into my head upon first viewing, are all the things LaMonica Garrett looks like as the Anti-Monitor: The Night King's uncle who isn't invited to Thanksgiving. The guy from Apokolips who got Darkseid really into Crossfit. Apocalypse from X-Men: Apocalypse but if when he did that "learning" thing the TV was only tuned to American Gladiator re-runs. Or, you know, …
Many 90s kids remember Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, but what about other live-action kids' show Big Bad BeetleBorgs. Here's a trip down memory lane.
Night has fallen on Sunnydale High School as a young couple looking to find some privacy wander the darkened hallways. Spooked, the girl asks the boy to take a look around, but as he turns to assure her they’re safe, the once-helpless beauty easily sinks her teeth into his prone and unsuspecting neck. So begins Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one of the most iconic series of the ‘90s and what would become Joss Whedon’s first indelible mark on pop culture. The concept for Buffy is simple, centering around a “Chosen One” called upon by the universe to …
While Brixton (Idris Elba) is the main antagonist in Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, he’s got a boss. Brixton answers to a mysterious voice that’s the Director of the mercenary group, Eteon. The director aspires to upgrade humanity and cull out the weak through use of a programmable virus, and hopes that Brixton can get Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) and Shaw (Jason Statham) working for Eteon. Even though Brixton is defeated, the Director is still out there and his identity remains a mystery. Although Ryan Reynolds, who has a cameo as CIA Agent Locke, likely voiced The …